
Saturday, July 21, 2007

More birthday gifts

I've been quite busy with a few craft projects in the last week or so. I've had 2 sewing parties with friends to work on baby carriers (mei tai style), but also made time to finish 2 more gifts I wanted to make for Ava.

I sanded and repainted a little rocker I got her. I also added a little seat cushion to it.

Then I made these cute little letter pillows spelling her name. It wasn't too hard 3 letters, 2 different letters really. A's and V's look the same, but it does spell her name.

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Here's a photo of the other side of the pillows. I added buttons to the pillows to make the A "holes" stand out (I'm gigglng about the phrase "A holes" right now...sorry!) I plan to hang the pillows on the wall. So, no worries about her chomping off the buttons!

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I also made this tag-a-long blanket. Although, actually, I made it a few weeks ago and forgot to post it.

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