
Saturday, July 21, 2007

sewing party

A few months ago, I started inviting friends over to sew. Mostly, we sew baby carriers, but are planning to do other projects. This week, a few friends came over to work on Mei Tai Carriers. It's a lot of fun, some work, some more work, and a lot more fun!

While sewing, our babies play, eat, nap, and sometimes fuss. We take turns tending to babies or handle our own. One of the babies got a little fussy and rather than stop sewing, his mom asked if she could borrow one of my mei tai carriers (remember I have just a few now). So, we helped her strap him on to her back and she went back to sewing. Within minutes, he fell asleep! So cute and such a PSA for baby wearing!

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Usually, at a sewing party, I tend to host and help others. After the party, I felt inspired to work on a carrier myself. I found this funky patterned material I wanted to make into a carrier. So, I went to work and got mine done before our next meeting. It amazed the rest, but I reminded them that I had all day and night and worked on it when Ava was either sleeping or playing nicely by herself.
Here's a close up of the carrier. I added a headrest and a new pocket type (elasticized top to pocket rather than a flap):

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And here's another shot of it:


More birthday gifts

I've been quite busy with a few craft projects in the last week or so. I've had 2 sewing parties with friends to work on baby carriers (mei tai style), but also made time to finish 2 more gifts I wanted to make for Ava.

I sanded and repainted a little rocker I got her. I also added a little seat cushion to it.

Then I made these cute little letter pillows spelling her name. It wasn't too hard 3 letters, 2 different letters really. A's and V's look the same, but it does spell her name.

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Here's a photo of the other side of the pillows. I added buttons to the pillows to make the A "holes" stand out (I'm gigglng about the phrase "A holes" right now...sorry!) I plan to hang the pillows on the wall. So, no worries about her chomping off the buttons!

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I also made this tag-a-long blanket. Although, actually, I made it a few weeks ago and forgot to post it.

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Thursday, July 12, 2007

1st Birthday gifts

I want to make a few keepsakes for my daughter's first birthday. So far, I've made her a wall hanging (growth chart) and a new diaper stacker to match her nursery (working on redecorating it with a girly-butterfly theme). I also made a picnic blanket, but since I couldn't resist using it before her birthday, I'm not sure that's technically a birthday gift. I'm having trouble keeping hold on her gifts. I keep giving them to her. I also made her a Cheerios print bib. She doesn't like bibs, but maybe she'll be ok with this one.

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Here's the growth chart:

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The diaper stacker:
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And the picnic blanket:
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With the left over animal squares, I decorated a few bodysuits, too:
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Baby gear

While pregnant, I made just a FEW baby items. I didn't realize how much I made until I decided to unpack them from storage to add to this blog. I'm surprised how much I got done due to the ongoing fatigues of pregnancy and also working full-time. However, now that I think about it..there were definitely times I couldn't sleep towards the end.

Here are the boppy covers:
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I also made "fitted" sheets for my mini co-sleeper bed (a little wrinked from being stored). They came in handy when sheets needed to be changed due to spit up or worse..

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A few of the receiving blankets I made:
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A bath towel (used as a mat to cushion the counter during bathtime):
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Baby Hats (actually I think I made these during the winter after my daughter was born):
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Wednesday, July 11, 2007

more baby stuff

A few of my friends and I started making toys with ribbon tags on them. I didn't realize that there's a company that has rights to them. How silly! Anyway, we make them as gifts and/or for ourselves, that should be legal, right?

Gender neutral blankets (gotta plan ahead just in case the next time we have a boy):
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I quilted the top of this one and added more loops to attach toys:

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Here's a toy cube with ribbon loops

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I'm going to try to make a ball and a triangle shaped one too...

gotta have shoes

So, once again as I'm looking at a store bought item, I'm thinking to myself, "I could probably try to make that" when I was handling my daughter's soft sole shoes. So, off to the computer I went and search for ideas and patterns/templates. I found a few and tinkered with the designs and concepts a little and Viola! I made a few pairs. Once I got them down pat, I kept making more. I'll probably even make MORE, since all I need is scraps to make them.

My first try (sized too small, so had to figure out how to enlarge them). Second pair the same but bigger sized:
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3rd pair..different type, but still pretty cute:
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Other ones I made:
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Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Bonding with baby, slings and carriers

I can't remember when I decided that I wanted to wear my baby in a sling or other type carriers, but the moment I saw a pouch sling, I thought, "Hmm, I wonder if I could make one myself" The answer, "YES." Thanks to google and a few great websites, I was able to make not one, but several (too many to count, but I might just have to).

The first carriers I used with my daughter, I bought (the infantino and the baby bjorn). I loved them, but I really loved the ones I made myself. There's something rewarding about making them. Nowadays, I help my friends learn to make slings, too. I've hosted "sewing parties" where we all get together, babies included and get busy sewing and chatting away for most of the day while the babies play (or sleep). I am hosting a few more soon..they've become VERY popular. I enjoy educating, empowering, and entertaining others and these parties do just that!

Here are a few photos of slings (pouch type, ring, type) and mei tei carriers I've sewn:

the first sling (pouch style):
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a denim pouch sling
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A ring sling (made another pouch sling out of the same fabric)
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Ring sling (aka "my spring sling")
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My 1st Mei Tai Carrier
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My second...
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I've also made a few as gifts for friends...

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Gifts for friends and family

Once I felt comfortable enough, I wanted to share my crafts with others. I made quick quilts and other items for friends and family. Here are a few photos of some of the gifts I made:

Quick Quilt for my nephew
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Quick Quilt for my best friend's son
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The back
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Tote bags for my little sisters (appliques added to store bought bags):
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While pregnant with my daughter, I spent any free time I had making baby items for her....
Covers for her bouncy seat
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A small lap quilt
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Quick Quilt
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Crib sized Quilt
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The back
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I also made several receiving blankets (larger much easier to swaddle with) and boppy pillow covers (easier to clean than the boppy itself), but I don't have photos of them and they are now in storage.

Monday, July 9, 2007

Learning to Quilt (2 blankets)

I taught myself to quilt a few years ago. I always envisioned making cute little quilts for my children. So, once I learned to quilt, I was ready to become a mom :)

My first quilt
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My second quilt (a gift to my sisters)
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