
Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Pillowcase dress Take 2!

Today, I felt inspired to give that pillowcase dress another shot. Not the same one, but to make a new one. No major mistakes this time. I think it's still too big for Ava and might take it in on the sides, but I've made a promise to myself to give all projects a day before I consider tweaking them. I'd be really frustrated to finish it and then turn around and fudge it up.

Ok, here are a few photos of it:

And then on Ava.....getting her to stand still was not going to happen today:


Top/Side (used ribbon sewn to elastic in neckline casing)

length..could be shorter (next time)

side (needs to be taken in..see the extra poof of fabric under her arm):

I really enjoyed making this one. I even finished it during naptime!

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