
Saturday, June 7, 2008

Third time's a charm! Dress #3

Today I "re-purposed" a pouch sling I helped a friend make last summer.

Long story short about the sling is that I helped her make it and it ended up not fitting her. So, we swapped slings. I had one I already made that was a little too big for me. If you have ever made/worn a pouch sling, sizing is tricky if you want a good fit. I loved the print of this sling, but never ended up using it with Ava and currently this sling is too small to use for Tyler (I'd like to blame it on him being a chubby baby, but it's actually my fault.). So rather than wait until I lose more weight or trying to alter the sling, I decided to re-purpose it.

Ok, back to what I did with the sling. I made it into a pillow dress for Ava.

Sling unfolded

I used the 2nd pillowcase dress to determine if the sling would work as a dress

The sling dress..I mean pillowcase know what I mean :)

You can't see from the photos, but the dress (formerly known as the sling) is lined with turquiose fabric (kind of an eyelet type fabric). The dress isn't reversible due to the center/back seam on the inside of the dress. Too bad, the blue fabric is so cute. After making this dress, I realized it'd be really easy to make a reversible dress. Next time! I also decided to use bias tape for the arms and straps. I thought it looked cute with this print. Made it look sporty. And it was really easier than hemming/finishing the arm's edges.

Each time I make one of these dresses I take in the sides. I didn't mess with the length since the sling's edges were already finished. I didn't want to undo something to redo it.
Here's how it fits on Ava.

Front & Back

I might have to pack this dress in her suitcase for our LA trip next week. Totally a surfer looking dress!

After finishing this dress, I still had enough time to alter dress #2 (and fixed the strap since my cat ATE the ribbon halfway off...she's insane! I was SO mad when I found the dress "eaten").

1 comment:

  1. So cute! I have to try this someday....maybe after summer. :)
