
Monday, July 21, 2008

I'm a little biased

*Couldn't resist the pun*
My favorite bias tape maker

As requested...a photo of my armhole "guide"...a -purposed greeting card with a "J" shape cutout

Today, I made a little pillowcase dress shirt. I wanted to play around with making my own matching bias tape for the straps. I would have made it a dress, but the scrap fabric was too short, and I figured a shirt would be a change.
I finished the shirt fast..this morning. Must be getting this all down pat. The bias tape took longer. Not because it was hard, but because I was moving slower by this afternoon. Just tired. I'm still recovering from a few crazy nights with Tyler's teething and refusal to take a binky along with Ava's newfound independence and resistance to going to sleep at a decent hour. Ok, back to the shirt...

Thanks to a few of my favorite sewing and quilting books to keep me on track with the bias tape and my trusty bias tape maker (LOVE this notion), I made enough (and a little extra) bias tape for this shirt:
My attempt at an artsy (or etsy) type photo of the shirt

Ava "modeling" the shirt with her new white capris (how long will they be white? we'll see)

Today, during tummy time, I worked on the making the bias tape and adding it to the shirt:

Sunday, July 20, 2008

It fits!

I had Ava try on the dress this morning. She liked the gator side and was excited to put it on, but then she wanted to play in her sandbox. I acquiesced (always wanted to use that word..silly I know) and just took a few shots of her playing in her NEW dress. Some battles aren't worth fighting...

The dress neckhole wasn't too small afterall. I considered removing the ribbon, but with the ribbon, the dress will fit her longer. Actually, the dress is just a little too big (I think) around her bustline right now. But at the rate she's growing, it'll probably fit by the football season.

I'm going to add something to the pink candy stripe side. I think it's too plain. Maybe an applique? I have a cute poodle iron-on, but the tail is a little white puffball...Maybe I can remove it so it wouldn't poke against her chest when she wears the pink gator side of the dress.

Gator dress front

Gator dress side

Gator dress back

Candy Stripe Dress front

Candy Stripe Dress Back (see a little big around her top)

After the photo shoot, she was free to play before getting ready for our day at the beach.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

A sewing jag

I've been in such a mood to sew lately! Not sure exactly how I got on this sewing jag, but think it was due to a really rainy week. Today wasn't a rainy day (well it rained a little), but I had my mind set on making a little dress...without a pattern*. I wanted to make a reversible dress. Without instructions on how to do this, I sat around brainstorming. I finally ended up just giving it a shot and with the help of my seam ripper, I was able to finish it. Not without a few hiccups in the process. I just hope it fits Ava (too late for her to try it on..darn). If not, at least I practiced a few sewing techniques.

Side 1: UF Gator Decor

Side 2: Light Pink "candy stripe" design

Instead of using bias tape, I hemmed the edge and made it look like binding on the Gator dress side. A little tedious, but I like the end result.
The candy stripe edge on the gator side of the dress

This candy stripe side of the dress is just hemmed at the bottom.

When I finally finished, I realized the neck hole seemed small, so I took the straps apart and added ribbon. Depending on how it looks on Ava and/or if the neck hole was really too small, I might do something else. I do like the bows though :)


No outtake photos this time. I was too busy just trying to stay focused on finishing it (making this style dress reversible was trickier than I originally thought). Even after finishing it, I still have a few possible steps if I change the straps. I might also iron-on an applique. We'll see.

*I did use a pattern as reference for the shape/size of the dress, but that's all. The original instructions weren't what I wanted to do, so I had to rely me, myself and I.

Next? I want to make a reversible pillowcase dress. After completing this dress today, the pillowcase dress will be a breeze (crossing fingers). Oh, and I want to make a bunch of little bloomers/panties for the dresses.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Craft apron-from bits & pieces

A 2 tier crayon craft apron sized to fit Ava now and as she grows!

Sticking to my vow to try to use up some of my craft/sewing stash of STUFF, I sat down and made Ava a crayon (and marker, and scissors..whatever fits) apron. I didn't follow a pattern. I scribbled down an idea and went looking for the needed supplies.

Even used a scrap of paper bag to jot down my notes (leftover after duplicating another pattern for a future project)

Then I came across a scrap of fabric cut off from a friend's ring sling (from one of our VERY FUN CT sewing parties). The fabric was so pretty, I couldn't toss the piece. Up until now, I didn't really have an idea what I'd use it for (three of the edges where already finished..maybe a small pillow?). Then I realized it'd be the perfect size for Ava's crayon apron. I used it along with a small green scrap and some velcro tape. Along the way, I made a few detours from the original plan, but it ended up working out. And really very easy to make. It didn't take very long. I was able to do parts of it throughout the morning while taking mini-breaks from cleaning the kitchen, while Ava played quietly and Tyler slept. Sure, I haven't showered YET, but I'm ok with that (I have more cleaning to do anyway).

If/When I make another, maybe I'll make a tutorial. I didn't even check online to see if there's already a good one out there. Bet there is!

Tie on One

Now that she's starting to do more projects I wanted to make her a cute little apron. I had a pattern, but didn't like the instructions (wanted it to be reversible). So, I used the pattern, cut the extra pieces and sewed it tonight (well actually I cut the pattern/fabric last night while watching Project Runway..inspiration? No, but I thought it was funny to sew and watch the show). I used scrap fabric that I wasn't so attached to (well, the duck fabric I was a little more attached to but decided to "risk" using it for the first attempt at the apron). The apron turned out nice, but the next one I'll make a few changes to. I think the straps could be easy to sew if they weren't so thin. Or I might use wide ribbon. I also want to add pockets and some cute ribbon ruffles, eyelet lace, or rick rack. There are so many options! But I also have to remember that aprons get dirty. If I make one too cute, I might find myself frustrated when Ava gets it stained. What's the point in that?

One side....

The other side....

(photo's blurry..darn..did't notice that until now)

I also cut out an apron my size using the pink-with-white-flowers fabric. Thought Ava might want us to have matching ones. I just don't have enough ducky fabric, so maybe the next one will be matching..we'll see :)

Ok, after chatting with my friend Allison about aprons, she told me about crayon aprons. I didn't really know about these...they are adorable! I'm definitely making (at least) one!

Here's one from Toys R Us, but I really found cute ideas on flickr and Etsy (two of my favorite places for inspiration!)

Rather than use other people's photos (don't want to have to get permissions, etc.), here's the link to the search I did:

Oh, and the best part? I saw a few of the aprons were made using a pillowcase! Cute idea. Except I don't have any cute pillowcases.....