
Friday, July 18, 2008

Craft apron-from bits & pieces

A 2 tier crayon craft apron sized to fit Ava now and as she grows!

Sticking to my vow to try to use up some of my craft/sewing stash of STUFF, I sat down and made Ava a crayon (and marker, and scissors..whatever fits) apron. I didn't follow a pattern. I scribbled down an idea and went looking for the needed supplies.

Even used a scrap of paper bag to jot down my notes (leftover after duplicating another pattern for a future project)

Then I came across a scrap of fabric cut off from a friend's ring sling (from one of our VERY FUN CT sewing parties). The fabric was so pretty, I couldn't toss the piece. Up until now, I didn't really have an idea what I'd use it for (three of the edges where already finished..maybe a small pillow?). Then I realized it'd be the perfect size for Ava's crayon apron. I used it along with a small green scrap and some velcro tape. Along the way, I made a few detours from the original plan, but it ended up working out. And really very easy to make. It didn't take very long. I was able to do parts of it throughout the morning while taking mini-breaks from cleaning the kitchen, while Ava played quietly and Tyler slept. Sure, I haven't showered YET, but I'm ok with that (I have more cleaning to do anyway).

If/When I make another, maybe I'll make a tutorial. I didn't even check online to see if there's already a good one out there. Bet there is!


  1. It came out so cute! Have you tried it on her yet? :)

  2. Thanks!
    Oh, yes..briefly. I tried it on her before loading it up with the craft supplies and it looked cute. I'll try to get a shot of her loaded with supplies (BTW, it's pretty heavy with all the crayons and markers).

  3. super cute apron!! My son would love one. I'll have to add it to my list. I bet it could be multi-purpose by changing the crayons out with tools, kitchen gadgets or hike findings.

  4. I'm thinking about making one for myself, too. Not sure what I'd use it for (gardening? cooking?). I couldnt' think of something where I'd need "tools" and be standing (vs. sitting at a sewing machine).
